Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy New Year / Explainations...

Alright, it's apparently been over a month since I've blogged. And, I guess I don't really have an excuse. Life got busy - in good ways, I assure you. Time got away from me. I apologize for that. And I also apologize because I'm not sure how quickly that may change. I hope it does, but I don't want to promise.

So, as if I wasn't already, I'm taking a more formal hiatus from Natural Hat Trick Productions. Not a formal closing as I certainly hope and expect to be back, so let's just call this a hiatus. I hope to check in from time to time, but apparently even my best intentions of promising simple new entries have fallen flat. So no promises, but I do hope to check in soon!

I wish everyone well and look forward to a happy, hockey filled New Year in 2011! Best wishes everyone and Happy New Year!

Oh and Go Rangers!!

**P.S. Although also more infrequently updated than before, @NHTProductions is still on Twitter. Visit me there.

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